Tomorrow is election day in America. Each member of the House of Representatives is eligible for the election and one-third of the U.S. Senate. It is difficult to live in a great democracy in 12,000 years of civilization, and not after a while increase the exercise of the freedom that their ancestors gave their lives.
The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence could only be created by a particular generation in the 18th century, a period known historically as the “Age of Reason”. They had studied and studied with Plato, and Aristotle. I agree that today in the American world of 300,000,000, we could not replicate the ingenuity of the people, and their youth who met long ago and formed our government. .
Survivor of the Cold War, the fire that has claimed more lives than any other war in the United States since then. President Bush is not ready for elections, and this means that people must vote indirectly about his policies. The vote will be announced by the House of Representatives. I believe they will be voting for Republicans. The tension or perhaps anger against the President's policies is so strong that the House of Representatives will shake hands, and with it will be able to lower the President's pressure, and perhaps change many of its policies.
Of course, we have the benefit of looking back when we look at how our country was governed over the past few years, but let us review some developments, and determine the appropriateness of the President's actions. IRAQ We now know that the foundation of the war was useless. The basic premise that Saddam was producing Weapons of Destruction, and perhaps he had used them to wreak havoc on others was false. However now we have to deal with the effects of the attack. Iraq will not fare well at this point.
For their health, and organs The President fought but did not demand sacrifice from the American people. Instead, he extends the National Debt to fund this war, and puts the burden on our unborn children to pay for it. You do not lend money to Japan, China, and Europeans, and give it to the rich through tax cuts, and leave a burden on the young people of this country. That is clear WRITE. Reduction of Eaves and the Bill of Rights 30-year-old NSA staff are excited about the idea.
Every bone in their body tells them it's wrong. There are similar judges who have been sitting in FBI offices for full time for more than a decade now who accept Federal wiretap orders. He knew he was protected by a majority of Republicans in both Congress houses that would protect him in ways that Richard Nixon could be protected. Nixon would not have been fired if he had taken the majority of the Republicans. What about Congress itself? I have been a student of Congress since Lyndon Johnson became President in 1963.
I’ve seen a dirty room, a backyard, money that changes political things all my life, and there was on both sides of the aisle. Now the look doesn't mean anything anymore. It has Senators and Congressmen on both sides flying around private jet flights. As a result they are indebted to the owners of those airlines to be paid with good votes on credit. These debts cost U.S. FORCE lower prices. To be honest, I don't think Congress Republican members get enough of these drug companies.
Drug companies have given the Republicans $ 12 million, and they have reimbursed tens of billions of dollars to the laws passed. If you are going to be damaged, you should be paid more. I believe that on Tuesday, Election Day will be a momentous event that will sweep the majority of the Republicans into the House, and approach the Senate.
With this action, the American people will inform Congress and the President that these kinds of actions will not stop. We can go back to gridlock, but for this author, gridlock is a joy compared to our experience over the past few years
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