Before you start looking for the woman you are looking for, make a clear idea of the type of woman you are following in your mind.
Now you can set some details, which are very important to you, such as: she should be a good mother, sexy blonde or smart brunet, the type of housewife or a good working woman ... and don't forget the age and type of relationship that follows. This will allow you to choose the right online dating site ( is new and can work well for you).
After that, you should make your profile as complete and authentic as possible. Take a moment to look at some of the women's profiles that contain some of the details you have prepared and then select one, at least two of them. If you are interested in more than two women, never, but never talk online with many of them at once. Women can feel if you ignore them completely.
Now it costs the hardest part, and most importantly: the closest part: Don't forget! In online dating the most important thing is TRUST! If you choose a site that gives you the opportunity to connect with women via email, your first email is very indispensable . Introduce yourself and say something specific, special about HER (you should read her profile carefully about this).
Tell her a place on the web where I can find your profile, and specify and request a date online, so we can get to know each other better. Do not write a long email. If you have planned a day online, do not drink! By doing this you will lose him in the beginning. When you go to the Internet, after breaking the ice with an open question, the next thing you should say or do is introduce yourself.
Just use your first name and let the woman you are talking to give you her name (if she uses a nickname on her profile). Hang on. If he does not give it, ask him what his name is. Then, and this is very important, use his name in the next sentence you write to him. Using his name works like magic to get him interested in you. Never talk about your ex in the early days and don’t forget that women don’t want to be the shoulder to cry on.
Be positive and enthusiastic. Make him laugh and feel good about spending time talking to you. The next thing you want to say or do is praise him. Draw attention to specific details about him, and commend him in the best way possible. Make sure you avoid explicit recommendations by all means. Also, find ways to agree with her at all times.
Otherwise, it works every time he starts a sexual conversation with you. One time when I was talking to women online he started telling me that he would like to see me wearing a towel just for me and I said Think about it. :) Remember that if a woman loves you or wants to know you better, she will give you free information to follow. If he does not attract you, he will not give you much, and it will be very difficult to maintain a respectful conversation with him.
First, do not talk too much for an hour and a half, and then pretend to go, but do not forget to tell him that you had a good time talking to him and never be ashamed to ask him. About his phone number.
Explain. But I would love to hear your voice, sometime. Can I call you? "We wish you luck, and be smart!" She will be "burning" to know better.
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