American History

 There are other events that took place during history when America declared its independence from historic England, which is so iconic that it has replaced mythology and mythology as history. 

And the Boston Tea Party certainly deserves that definition. This is one of the most important events in American history that it is common to see school children imitating them during elementary school games or skits. And the names of the participants including John Hancock, Paul Revere and John Adams alike became the oldest heroes in American history and history. 

But the events of December 16, 1776, were not myths or myths but the real and important parts of the American Revolution that were central to the foundations of this country. The tax situation imposed by Britton on goods coming to the colonies was one of the biggest pressures on the colonists because they could not control those taxes. And that tax situation was exacerbated by the relationship between the British government and the East India Tea company, which received tax breaks for their goods that would put them in a competitive position in the United States. 

These forms of special treatment exacerbated tense relations between the colonies and Britain and many in the American leadership saw the way England handled the situation as a conspiracy to try to damage the developing world economy and enforce restricted laws. Through taxation in colonies and colonies. That is why the famous proclamation 

“No Taxes Without Representation” 

came as a shock to the British colonialists, who eventually led to American liberation and the liberation of the new world. 

Finally, on Thursday, December 16, 1776, final action had to be taken. And our ancestors were nothing if they were not known for their bold and decisive action in the dictatorship. The East India Tea Company had set up a dock HMS Dartmouth in a Boston harbor full of new tea imported to the colonies. It was time for the colonists to make a statement that this illegal use and misconduct of the tea was a deliberate act and would be done so.

 They disguised themselves as Indians, brave colonists who boarded the ships of HMS Dartmouth and its sister, HMS Beaver and HMS Eleanor and skillfully and properly disposed of the entire delivery of tea to the Boston harbor. In total, more than forty-five tons of tea went into the water that night. It was an amazing contribution. But more than that it was a slap in the face of the British government , and it was set down that their attempts at colonial rule would no longer be tolerated. The event was instrumental in perpetuating hostilities between England and the colonies after the "troubles" stage and war broke out. 

But more than that, it was a bold statement of contempt that many colonies were encouraged to join the growing choir calling for war and independence. To the sincere British, the idea of ​​partition and nationalism was hard to grasp. But the leadership of the men who organized and operated the Boston Tea Party showed a new spirit of independence. This was the kind of backbone, a sense of pride and independence that would define the American spirit for years to come. 

But it took courage and courage for this small group of men to show that being oppressed by a dictator in other countries was not something we should have tolerated. It made a statement in England and the colonies at the same time that change was possible , and they could think of themselves as free people who did not bow to the king. From then on American independence was inevitable. 

These visionary leaders show us America that gave its people power, not kings or governments and the result of how America works and lives our lives is the direct result of brave protests like the Boston Tea Party.


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