Let's face it; If you are looking for advice on marriage, you can spend DAYS researching online without scratching the face of all available wedding advice. But the sad truth is that most people in your situation do… RESEARCH…
but never make up the ideas and ideas they learn because they come up with “excuses” for why their situation is so different. Let me tell you Seiko .your situation is no different. And AS MUCH AS MY MARRIAGE WAS, Sammy “status” was different too… Now why am I qualified to give you advice on marriage?
Because I was able to save my marriage… alone… after 27 years of fighting, chasing a car and fighting his way compared to my way. Our marriage was a failure as it was. You see, I am married to my PERFECT OPPOSITE. In fact, you would think we were from a different planet when you compare our habits, values, priorities and strengths… and that is before you look at our gender differences… .which brings me one of the best marriage advice I can give you
When I received this wise counsel on marriage, it really opened my eyes to see what really made my wife happy. Many times we wish our spouse would treat us in a certain way, but we never told them what they wanted us to do! Gary Chapman, author of the book, Five Living Languages, makes it easy for you to talk about what you need from your partner to feel loved… and what they need from you!
He wanted “service jobs” for everything! I thought that since I liked the “words of confession”… she would love me too! I hated doing “service actions” (a.k.a. household chores, gardening and grooming) and that’s why I didn’t meet his needs! … Reminders… Here is some good advice on marriage that you need to keep in mind… Many couples make the GREAT mistake of treating their mates the way they would want their spouse to treat them! In other words, squeezing your spouse with a hug and a kiss will not make him want to hug you / kiss you more if what they really need from YOU are
"acts of service"
such as taking out the trash or cleaning the house! If you want to improve your marriage and your spouse meet your needs, by meeting them FIRST, I highly recommend this book. You can find it at: http://www.stopyourdivorcein4weeks.com/gary.html Now I have never seen anyone talk about this final advice on marriage, so pay attention ...
2. YOU CANNOT IMPROVE YOUR MARRIAGE UNLESS YOU FEEL LIKE IT STARTED Many people look for a recipe for a happy marriage, find a simple list of things they can do, and then simply “look at things from their list.” But unfortunately, this is not how TRUE married life works. I can give you a long list of tips on marriage that can improve your relationship, but this list will not help you at all. If you are like a married couple, you will not do any advice about marriage… until you start feeling like you are doing it FIRST.
Telling you to "go and do something" to improve your marriage will not make a difference in your relationship when you are angry with your spouse , and you feel so bad that you can't even bring yourself to do it! The key is actually to FEEL LIKE DOING something good in your marriage… and then DOING it. Believe me; IT IS EASIER to do something good for your spouse when you feel confident about your marriage… than to “force” yourself to be the first step toward a better marriage.
Now I know what you think. “How do I get to the point where I feel I must do something to improve my marriage? I am so frustrated with my spouse right now! ” Yes, I'm glad you asked. I offer a free little tutorial on “How to Overcome Your Negative Feelings… Time Displays.” If you are interested, keep reading so you can start elementary school soon
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