Beauty Beauty

Cellulite ” is a condition of the skin that gives the appearance of small bumps and bumps under the skin. Guns caused by subcutaneous fat cells grow significantly and lighten the natural fibers that hold the skin in the lower parts of the tissue. 

     "Cellulite" is a natural oil, but regular oil affects the appearance of the skin. The fibers of collagen fibers attach to the skin in the lower extremities and separate the chambers containing the fat cells. As the fat cells grow in size, these cells break down and produce a loosely skinned appearance.     


           Women tend to have cellulite more often than men because they have a standing pattern of collagen in the lower layer that contains fat cells, and when fat cells become too large, they come out of the cells looking like cellulite. In men, the collagen pattern is stronger, the diagonal pattern, and it has thicker skin, thus reducing the breakdown of individual fat cells. 

        Another factor in cellulite is high levels of estrogen, because this hormone has a direct effect on the ability to hold fat cells by increasing alpha-adrenoreceptors, chemical compounds that tell your fat cells to adhere to the content. Improper diet, poor circulation, and poor lymphatic circulation can all contribute to the appearance of cellulite.

      TREATING THE SKIN WITH A VICTIM Think about your skin care products, and plan accordingly to meet the needs of the skin, which is prone to fluid, fat retention and low blood pressure. Nutrition: Although cellulite is a condition of the skin, it is bound to the extremities of fat.

         The dietary bromelain enzyme can promote complete circulation to your skin and adipose tissue by removing fibrin that builds up in the walls of blood vessels. Treating cellulite requires a two-pronged approach — one is the reduction of fat cells itself, the second is collagen rejuvenation and skin rejuvenation without the fat cells. Initially, use a circular motion and then move upwards towards the bowels.

        This will improve blood circulation and edema, and help remove toxins and impurities from the tissues and tissues between collagen and fat cells. Alternative Therapies: Brushing the skin offers many benefits in treating cellulite. First, “exercise” your skin, and it strengthens the lower skin with a collagen pattern in the lower layer. 

        It also helps to remove toxins and impurities from the body in the central fluid around the disposable tissues. Dry brush is good for all skin, but if you suffer from spider or varicose veins, brushing these areas vigorously several times a day,


         first with a circular motion and then up to the colon, can improve the appearance of cellulite. If you are on HRT, you may want to consider switching to a lower dose, adding progesterone cream, or using a weaker formula, such as strong cream. — Practices: Avoid the habit of crossing legs, knees and ankles.

        This reduces the spread and increases inflammation. Try to walk regularly, do not sit or stand for long periods of time. — Exercise: Regular exercise is essential for the development of cellulite. It not only helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite by burning fatty acids that cause cellulite.

      It also improves blood circulation and helps remove toxic wastes away from the skin. — Body wraps: Body wraps, both artificial and home-made can improve the appearance of cellulite. Body wraps use a combination of minerals and herbs that stimulate fat cells to release their contents, absorb toxins from the skin, and reduce inflammation. You will usually find stimulants such as kelp or algae that rejuvenate the fat burning process in the cells. 

   You will find cosmetic clay that will remove toxins and debris from pores, and horsetail and chestnut horses reduce edema (inflammation) and provide skin-strengthening minerals. For homemade recipes, go to the Botanical Beauty Lab website. — Massage: Massage, especially the type that improves lymph flow, is very effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite. It promotes the removal of metabolic toxins and toxins from adipose tissue, and gives the skin a smooth appearance. Many are available, from a simple circular hand tool to a power-assisted massage, massage and suction-like entomology technology


     Alfalfa: Alfalfa is a natural diuretic that helps balance body fluids and reduces edema and inflammation. It is also phytoprogesterone, which helps to balance the excess estrogen that can increase cellulite. Forage Oil: Forage oil contains high amounts of gamma linoleic acid, a fatty acid essential for strengthening cell walls. Bromelain: Bromelain is an enzyme that occurs naturally in natural foods that aid in the digestion of proteins. Use of bromelain supplements in removal of fibrin buildup in healthy blood vessels. This improves and enhances skin circulation, and aids in repair and rejuvenation. Horsetail: Horse Chestnut herb contains high levels of mineral silica, which is used to repair and maintain skin cells. Cider Vinegar contains a series of enzymes that help balance body pH. It is also a good source of potassium, needed for the balance of body fluids. Coconut Oil contains triglycerides of intermediate chains that are easily absorbed and used by the body for fuel. It has the ability to stimulate the thyroid gland, increase body temperature and metabolism and is known to improve fat burning. Ginkgo Balboa is a natural blood thinner that enhances microcirculation in the skin and in oily skin. Goo Kola is a natural source of caffeine. Caffeine stimulates beta-adrenoreceptors in the surface of fat cells to release their fatty acid stores, which helps burn more fat. Green tea: 

    Green tea is a mild stimulant that contains caffeine and powerful antioxidants that help regenerate and repair skin cells. MSM: Is an essential mineral needed for the repair of skin cells. EXTERNAL CELLULITE TREATMENT Aloe Vera contains Latin, which softens and heals the skin. It has been shown in the clinic to increase skin circulation and accelerate skin tissue healing. Bentonite Clay is a natural mineral compound known for its ability to absorb impurities and toxins through the skin through the pores. 

       Many experts recommend using coffee grounds as a test of the most popular areas for cellulite. The ingredients act as an exfoliant, as caffeine penetrates the skin and stimulates beta adrenoreceptors in fat cells to release its contents. Dead Sea salt and Kelp or bladder wrack contain powerful minerals that help repair skin cells as well as mineral iodine that can aid in the transformation of underweight fat cells. There are many ways to trade and ways to reduce cellulite. Many contain kelp, bladder wrack and other herbs mentioned here. 

      Just remember that reducing cellulite is two steps. The cause of cellulite is fat cells that have increased size and stretch the collagen structure under the skin. The first step is to reduce body fat, and more herbs and nutrients outside and outside can speed up the process. The second step is to increase the strength of the skin and collagen webs under the subcutaneous tissue. Skin and collagen need vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to rebuild well. 

        Excess fluid can exacerbate the problem, so adequate intake of fluids and circulation is essential. Drink plenty of fluids, and stay active to increase the spread of the lymph system.


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