"biggest roller skating rink in the world"

Undoubtedly: Ottawa is known as one of the coldest capitals in the world (only in terms of temperatures). But does that mean you stay home in the winter and face? Not at all! Ottawa has turned a debt that could be a major factor and shows us how to celebrate winter. 

First there is interlude, the Ottawa winter festival, held this year from February 3 to 19, 2006. Interlude apparently is attended by more than 650,000 winter festivals and includes a host of events: concerts, special events, cooking shows, restaurant festivals and the list goes on. Skiing at idea Skate way, about 8 km the world's largest river, was our main reason for coming to Ottawa. 

We actually went to Ottawa about three years ago and due to the warm weather interlude became a perfect bath that year (I think the proper name for that event would be " Interlude"). But our old experience did not bother us, so this year Theresa and I decided to return to pray for better weather so that we could explore for ourselves this beautiful ski and leisure center. 

At one time, the idea Canal Skate way has been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest glacier. The skate way is 7.8 miles long and takes you from idea Bridge to Lake's Dow. We set off at 10:00 am on a clear winter day, but even then, the skate way was packed, and walking on the frozen ice from Confederation Park to the skate way entrance across the river was packed with people in long lines. We stripped off our skirts and stuffed our boots into our pockets, which gave us a chance to get out of the snow at any moment and continue our footing. 

Or if we are too tired, we can even jump on the " Snobs" that connects Dow's Lake with Confederation Park during the entire interlude Festival for as little as $ 2.50 (more details on the OC Transport site). But, obviously we didn't need a snob, we swerved our way down this amazing natural snow all the way to the lake and didn't even need to rest. On this beautiful day with blue skies and beautiful winter weather and surprisingly no wind, skating on the idea was a good thing. 

We certainly wouldn’t have chosen a better day to explore the Idea Canal in skates. At various times along the way there were various rest areas, food distribution and special entertainment or information centers. Best represented by Ottawa's famous trademark: the Beaver tails permit stalls sell a freshly baked cake, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. A perfect source of food and energy during a cold winter day. 

At the Via Rail Concord Station Rest Area the exhibition illuminates the history of the Ottawa railway. Apparently many years ago, trains would reach the city center of Ottawa near the idea Canal. On Fifth Avenue, young sports fans enjoyed the Canada Tire JUMPStart Activity Center where they jumped into the air with a trampoline system and put their hockey skills to the test. Pig Island is being built as a special place with teepees to get a taste of the traditional Australian food, culture and food. In addition, the area featured an exhibition of lumberjacks, a snowmobile and traditional songs, as well as drumming.

When I arrived in Date's Lake I continued to explore the 26th annual Bedroom Race, a fundraising event that was a humorous experience, with good intentions no less. The Bed Race is organized by the Ottawa Kiwanis Club and the proceeds, amounting to nearly $ 50,000 will go to Children’s Read-A-Thon. The young hockey star is testing his skills at the Canada Tire JumpStart Activity Center But I had a lot to cover, so I started sliding back to the city center and by this time the skate way was quite full. 

They looked so young and old, the whole family was out. Parents used to pull their children with small sleds, or even to push them into children's carts everywhere. Everyone was having fun. On the way back one person noticed me: a young woman in a red skirt with red gloves and a red scarf was slipping into a ditch, turning, apparently with a time ball. I approached him to find out a little about him. 

She introduced herself as Sylvie, and shared with me that she was part of a juggle family and that dating was in her blood. He said jogging is his life, and even though he doesn't drive a luxury car, he is happy because he gets to do what he loves. After all this skiing I was very hungry, so I took off my skirts and headed for the idea Center, one of the largest shopping centers in Ottawa. It is located near a ditch and was well stocked on this day. The idea Center has provided a welcome opportunity to warm up and have a good lunch in its dining hall. 

Obviously I love outdoor activities and exploring urban areas, and sliding on the idea Canal through the city of Ottawa covers all of these activities perfectly. I got a brief taste of this special winter activity, and one thing is for sure: I’ll be back !!!



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