The penis is as complex as any other part of the human body, despite its simple deceptive appearance. Moreover, since these two functions of the penis are known to men and women alike, there is a tendency to think that everyone knows everything you need to know about them.
However, there are always a few unanswered questions or other vague information that no one bothers to remember and that may be interested in a particular context. So here is a typical description of a penis that aims to give a complete presentation of this organ. The pin is not a muscle as some have suggested. It is made up of three columns of tissue, one of which furthers the glans.
The three columns are called the Corpus Spongiest , which forms the lower part of the penis and glans, as well as the Corpora Caverns , which are two parts of tissue placed close to one another on the upper side of the penis. The shaft is covered with skin, while the glans support a loose-fitting skin fold known as the foreskin. Finally, the penis is cut from one end to the other through the urinary tract.
This tube serves as a passageway for both urine, which is produced in the bladder, and in the semen, which is produced in the testicles. The construction is achieved by filling two Corpora Caverns with blood. Unlike other mammals, humans do not have a bone marrow transplant and must rely on blood pressure to develop. When arousal begins to arouse sexual desire, the arteries that supply blood to the penis open up to increase blood flow.
The sponge corpora Caverns are filled with blood, which makes the penis stronger. Tight tissues bind the arteries that carry blood from the penis to maintain stability. Every baby boy is born with a complete set of reproductive organs. However, these organs are not fully developed and remain intact until the boy enters puberty. During puberty, usually between the ages of 10 and 14, the pituitary gland begins to produce hormones that stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone.
Testosterone is a hormone that regulates all the physical and many psychological aspects that define a person. Its presence ensures the development of large bones and the weight of the upper extremities in men. It also causes an increase in the size of the penis and testicles, the appearance of pubic hair and a deeper tone of the male voice. The penis stops growing at the end of puberty, which comes when you are 18 years old. However, there are many local factors that can delay or speed up the onset or end of puberty.
This means that some men may have an enlarged penis after 18 years. A common urban myth has almost everyone heard of the idea that the size of a penis is linked to the size of another body part. The most common versions of this myth focus on the size of the hands, feet, nose, or height to determine the size of the penis. In fact, there is no such link.
Although the growth of the penis in the embryo is controlled by the same genes as the organs, the growth of the penis during puberty is completely controlled by testosterone and is not related to other organs. Some men are born with large penises. This is an undeniable fact of life whose causes are still a mystery in science. As mentioned above, there is no connection between the penis and the body size.
Studies on bats have shown that the genitals and the brain require large amounts to develop. Sometimes, a developing fetus decides whether it wants a larger brain or a larger set of sexual organs. However, science still fails to understand how and why a decision is made. And, lastly, a word about penis exercises. The PenisHealth-promoting exercises are designed to force the muscle columns to increase in length and height.
This is done by pressing the shaft and helping the tissue to grow. Obviously, the purpose of these tests is to make Corpora Caverns hold more blood to increase the size of the erect penis. Contrary to many people's skepticism, careful and consistent exercise is a safe and effective way to increase the length and shape of a penis.
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