fuel for thought mct oil

 I see the following call to fight high gas prices in the USA roaming again… Here is a message I recently received from someone I know, who felt the need to forward it to their entire email address: 


The concept It came from one of his retired engineer friends in Halliburton. It is worth considering. “Join the resistance !!!! I hear we're going to hit about $ 5 .00 a liter next summer. Looking for good fuel prices? We need to take smart, cohesive steps. 

“Phillip Ellsworth gave this great idea.

 This makes a much broader sense than the ‘don’t buy gas on a particular day’ campaign that ran around in April or May last! The oil companies simply laughed at that because they knew we would not continue to ‘hurt’ ourselves by refusing to buy gas. It was more of a distraction for us than it was for them. BUT, anyone who has thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can work. Please read and join us! Me too! 

Now that OPEC oil companies and nations have put us in a position to assume that the cost of a liter of fuel is cheaper at $ 1 .50- $ 1 .75 and that the price of fuel is rising sharply each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we can see that the price of gas goes down if we hit someone in the pocket by not buying his or her gas! We can do that without hurting ourselves. How so? 

“Force price war: 

Throughout this year, DO NOT buy any fuel from two major (now one) companies, EXXON and MOBIL . If they do not sell gas, they will tend to lower their prices. To make an impact, we need to literally reach millions of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers. However, it is easy to do! Now don't give up on me this time ... keep reading and I will explain how easy it is to reach millions of people !! 

“I am sending this text to 30 people. 

If each of us sends at least ten (30 x 10 = 300) and then 300 send at least ten (300 x 10 = 3,000) and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have reached more than three million buyers. Going to the next level, you guessed it: 


Also, all you have to do is send this to ten people. That's all! “How long would that all take? If each of us sends this email to 10 other people within a day of its receipt, all 300 million people can be contacted within the next 8 days! Working together we can make a difference. I suggest we do not buy from EXXON / MOBIL UNTIL THEIR ITEMS COME DOWN FROM THE $ 1 .30 CASE AND THEN SIT DOWN. This may work. 

“Xxx xxx ,

 Research Coordinator” This has been tried before, and has never been successful. The basic reason is that the USA is a very diverse country. Any attempt to find the right amount for them to keep the discipline system that might require that just doesn't work. I argue that these people are missing the real point:

 Why would American society not accept that this problem is not the high price of gas, but their forced service to gasoline? The obvious answer is that fuel is an established and simple promoter of personal transportation. And, as long as those facts remain, the habits of the American people will also remain. 

Put on a global perspective, $ 5 .00 per gallon of gas is not uncommon. The difference is that the whole world has embraced lifestyle adjustments and moved on to other issues. One of the easiest things to do with that change is to change the work environment. Move from office to home! Cyberspace can make the allocation of locations much easier. Other Fortune 500 companies began adopting the idea a decade ago. The Bank of America, for example, allows many of its managers to take advantage of domestic office relationships. Obviously, not every job allows your employee to work from home, but there is enough to do.

 For example, if 20% of traffic was removed from the road, traffic congestion would be reduced. That, in turn, would allow for better navigation in vehicles that would not be stuck in a stop or stop track. That saves gas and reduces demand. 

As e-commerce continues its growth and advancement in general adoption, more shopping trips can be curtailed. Cyber ​​meetings are also more likely now, and can be document-sharing. Even cyber learning can be expanded; Sweden has been using the cyber education program for its young citizens abroad for years, which is a good way for its culture and high levels of education to be given to those who work elsewhere.

 Therefore, any attempt to identify 

Exxon - or British Petroleum or Elf or 

Shell - is Quixotic. 

Identify yourself instead. You will definitely get the best mileage out of your time. You will probably also see improvements to your monthly fuel budget. In the larger picture, too, a simple system that relies on simple market power, i.e., lower demand lowers prices.

 Smaller strategies are the ones that win wars. In this case, open your battlefield online.


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